
Best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan

Best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan

Sunblock is the most important part of your daily skincare routine. You can go outside confidentially and free of all the worries of skin burns. Some people don’t use sunblock because they think it will make their skin greasy and oily. Aloft Pharm introduced a highly effective and non-greasy product to avoid this panic.

Sunblock is a must in Pakistan where the atmosphere is ruthless for our skin. People always have sunblock on their skin while going outside, swimming, or doing other outdoor activities, their skin never gets old easily. To understand more about the advantages, and uses of sunblock let's dive deep into the ocean of Aloft Pharm.

Understanding Oily Skin and Sun Protection

As everyone is aware, there are various varieties of skin, including combination, oily, dry, and sensitive skin. Before selecting your sun protection, know about your skin type.

Oily skin

Oily skin means your skin looks more greasy and shiny all the time. And why it remains oily because of the unusual amount of sebum. The sebum glands produce sebum which keeps it greasy. What do you have to do to make it normal? Just avoid oily texture skin products. Use non-greasy sunblock for your skin. Aloft Pharm gives you the best of the best.

Sun protection

Sun spectra sunblock is best for your skin because it is specially made for oily skin to reduce sebum. By using sun spectra sunblock, you no longer look glittery and oily. Use sunblock and explore its benefits and then you can understand why it is the best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan.

Sunblock benefits for oily skin


Sunblock has numerous benefits for your skin. The primary goal of using sunscreen is to provide protection. It protects your skin from harmful UV rays of sun, sunburn, and skin cancer.

Reduce acne

Using sunblock regularly can help to reduce acne.

Reduce sebum production

Sunblock is very effective in limiting sebum production. It helps to unclog the pores and this way your skin gives a matte and non-greasy look all day.

Minimize open pores

The visibility of open pores reduces after applying sunblock.

Radiant glow

Sunblock gives a radiant glow to your skin. Because extra sebum production is controlled. You can achieve a non-greasy radiant look all at once.

Challenging for pigmentation

Yes, sunblock is challenging for pigmentation, dark spots, and dark circles. But the one thing is to get the result use it regularly.

Use before makeup

Very helpful product in your makeup. It can serve as a primer for makeup application.  Use 15 minutes before applying any foundation. Sun Spectra sunblock by Aloft Pharm is the best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan. Try it and appreciate it!


The unique components that Aloft Pharm uses to fight aging. Regular use of sunblock slows down the process of anti-aging, wrinkles, and fine lines.

How Can the Best Sunblock Be Selected for Oily Skin Types?

The idea behind sunscreen is, well, always gummy and oily. But now Aloft Pharm introduced a lightweight non-sticky, non greasy sunblock in Pakistan. Choosing a sunblock for oily is such a difficult task. Now no need to worry. Start your day with Aloft Pharm sunblock which is the best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan. However, a sunblock for oily skin should have:

Non-comedogenic sunscreen

Comedogenic refers to the pore-clogging tendency that results in acne and blackheads. So, always pick non-comedogenic sunblock. It will not clog your pores, keep your skin acne-free, and no more oiliness.


Aloft Pharm formulated SPF 60 with PA++ which is the best for oily skin. It is a non-greasy substance that is lightweight and easily absorbed into the skin. and

Oil-free formulation

Our Sun Spectra Sunblock by Aloft Pharm is an oil-free formulation. It helps to reduce acne and is best for oily skin in Pakistan.

Matte finish

The best sunblock for oily skin is that gives you a matte finish look. People having oily skin are tired of glittery and greasy looks. We are very satisfied with the product that Aloft Pharm has introduced. You no longer look oily. Grab your sunblock for a matte finish look.

Broad spectrum protection

The dangerous rays that can reach Earth are called UVA rays. Exposure to UVA rays gives you premature aging because they deeply penetrate your skin.

UVB rays are also very dangerous to our skin. They damage the outer layer of the skin and increase the chances of sunburn.

Sun Spectra sunblock by Aloft Pharm gives you protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays. It is an advanced formula that is specially made for oily skin.  The combination of UVA and UVB gives you extra protection from sunburn and premature aging.

Tips for Using Sunblock for Oily Skin

As we discussed earlier, choosing sunblock for oily skin is a difficult task. But once you find the right option your skin going to groom. Here are some tips that should be followed before applying sunblock.

Select oil-free sunblock

Select an oil-free and matte finish sunblock if you have oily skin. The right selection is very important. Your skin depends on your selection.

Cleanse your face

Before applying sunblock, cleanse your face with a good face wash or cleanser. Glow ease brightening face wash by Aloft Pharm will help you remove all the dirt particles. It leaves your skin clear and velvety.

Moisturize your face

After cleansing, moisturize your skin with Glow Ease brightening cream which is lightweight and gives your skin a smooth and soft look.

Apply sunblock

Now it is time to apply sunblock to your face. Take a generous amount of sunblock so that you can create a layer on your face. Apply on your exposed body parts. Do not skip your neck area.

Even spread

Apply sunblock in a circular motion for even coverage.

Let it absorb into the skin. Then you can wear makeup on it.


Remember to reapply it if you plan on swimming or perspiring every few hours.


Daily use

Never skip your sunblock. The harmful UV rays are more dangerous than you think. So, keep it in your daily skincare routine to avoid premature aging, skin cancer, and pigmentation.

15 minutes before

Apply sunblock 15-20 minutes before going outside.

Common mistakes that we usually do

Use in summers

We think that sunblocks are essential in summer because the sun shines brightly in summer. But this is wrong the harmful UV rays reach to earth the whole year. So, to apply sunblock in summer isn't enough. It should be part of your daily skincare routine. Having sunblock on for oily skin is very important.


Usually, we apply sunblock once and do not bother ourselves for its re-application. It's very important to use it again in case you have swimming activity or in case of more sweating.

Use expired product

Don’t use expired sunblock that is very harmful for your skin. It can irritate your skin or may cause burnout.

Right before going outside

The very common mistake that we make is to apply it right going outside. Always use sunblock 15-20 minutes before going outside so that it can properly absorb and shield your skin.

An adequate amount is not enough.

What do we do? We take an adequate amount of sunblock that is not enough for our face. To make your skin completely protective take even amounts that make a good coverage.

Don’t forget

Never forget to apply sunblock while going outside. Once you skip all your efforts can be gone. It’s an important product in your daily skincare routine. So don’t skip.

Regular use

Regular use is a must. There is no benefit in doing for regular 5 days and then two days of skipping. Punctuality is the priority.

Don’t skip eyelids and lips.

Your lips and eyelids also need protection. Don’t forget to apply.

Sunblock Price in Pakistan

Aloft Pharm gives you the best sunblock price in Pakistan. Our sunblock is the best sun protection cream that we have. The lightweight formulation gives it the best rank in the pharma industry. We sold it at reasonable prices with broad spectrum protection. Its non-greasy and non-sticky texture makes it the best sunblock for oily skin in Pakistan.

You can buy it online. Order on our website to grab the deals and products. Its size makes you comfortable to carry along the way.

Why do we trust our products?

Best ingredients in our products

They are ideal for all skin types because they include potent ingredients. The use of effective ingredients makes them best for all skin types. Our Sunscreen for oily skin is the best in Pakistan. Its non-greasy, light texture acts as a barrier over your skin.  It protects you from all the harmful rays that can damage your skin.

Use regularly for the best results.

Use our sunblock regularly to get the best result. Our sunblock ensures maximum protection and covers your skin like a shield. Use it daily before going outside. Never skip before going outdoors. Reapply it if you have more sweating or swimming activity.

How to order

Order on our website, the best brand in Pakistan. Aloft Pharm gives you the best prices in Pakistan. The price is low but the products are worth of use. So, take advantage of our offers if you want skin that is clear and radiant. They will be very effective at small prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which type of sunscreen is ideal for oily and acne-prone skin?

Sun Spectra sunblock by Aloft Pharm is the best sun protection cream for oily skin and acne-prone skin.

  1. How often should I reapply sunscreen if I have oily skin?

You can re-apply sunblock after every couple of hours if you're having more sweating.

  1. Does sunscreen induce breakouts?

Using expired sunblock or the wrong sunblock that is not for your skin, can induce acne, and breakouts to your skin.

  1. Do I need a separate moisturizer if my sunscreen for oily skin is hydrating?

If your sunscreen is hydrating, there's no need to use an additional moisturizer.  However, on the dry part of your face, you can use a gentle and lightweight moisturizer.

  1. Can I use sunscreen for oily skin as a cosmetic primer?

Of course, sunblock is the best primer for your skin. Apply it 15 minutes before applying your foundation and let it absorb.

  1. Is a higher SPF beneficial for oily skin?

Higher SPF is beneficial for oily skin because it protects your skin from sunburn and premature aging.


To get glowing and pigmented-free skin, grab our multi-action sun spectra sunblock. It is specially designed for all skin types. No need to hustle, just take one from us. You can order on our website for this amazing product. We deliver our trust besides our products.

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